Village Matters

Spelthorne Set to Bloom Again

Yes folks, it is that time again. The sun is shining and the garden blooms are calling. Spelthorne in Bloom is officially open for business and this is your chance to get your garden into the limelight.

Categories include Best Hanging Basket, Best Kept Front Garden, Best Kept Community Garden and Best Riverside Garden to name a few. This year there are additional categories of Best Kept Place of Worship and Best Allotment which will be run through the allotment groups in the Borough. Entry forms are available from the council by calling 01784 446411 or email

Look out also for forms in the High Street.

The theme of the poster competition was the 25th anniversary of the twinning with Melun in France. The brief was that the poster should reflect elements of both cultures, so there were English roses and French Fleur de Lys as well as flags galore. The Mayor of Spelthorne, Cllr. Suzy Webb presented prizes to some very happy children.

The overall winner was 11 year old Louie Jennings from Stanwell who was chuffed to bits when he learned that his design would also be seen on all the waste vehicles in the Borough! Little Rosie Payne from St Nicholas School received a prize in the 6-8 age group. Rosie is pictured left with Cllr. Vivienne Leighton.