Village Matters

What I learned from my Mother

At the end of March mothers all over the country will be celebrated with cards, flowers and maybe a trip to a local restaurant.

When I reflect on the person I am, my values and my interests, I know I have so much to thank my mother for: An appreciation of the outdoors, beauty of nature and the simple things in life; an interest in people, eagerness to hear their story and care for others’ well-being; the ability to make something tasty out of various things in my fridge and larder which might have seen better days!

My mum continues to play role in inspiring me today. At the age of 85 she is still full of ideas and takes an interest in what I do. She has come up with several suggestions for my magazine stories.

I was touched recently to get a mail from local stylist Judi Craddock who sadly lost her mother last year. She wrote so movingly about the influence her mother had on her life and how she can pass her wisdom on through her role as a stylist with her company Peppermint Style. She was happy to share it here:

“This time last year I unexpectedly lost my mother. This left a hole in my life that can never be filled. Mum was my biggest supporter and fan. So much of your identity is tied up with your Mum, that when you lose her, it can feel like you’ve lost yourself. Saskia Sarginson expresses this feeling perfectly in her book ‘The Twins’: “When people die, you lose the way people loved you. You lose the way they saw you. Nobody can replace that. Nobody will love me as my mother loved me.”

My Mum believed in me. She saw everything in me that I couldn’t see. Without her, I’ve had to learn see these things for myself. Mum accepted me as I was. But she also accepted herself. Mum taught me to accept myself as I am and not care what others think or say. She walked her talk. Mum was confident in her own skin. I never heard her saying derogatory things about her body. She taught me to make the most of my figure and to value myself for things other than my appearance. 
Mothers are vital role models to their daughters. Like it or not, your daughter will copy your behaviour. Research suggests that poor body image can be passed down from mother to daughter. So if your daughter seems to be showing signs of disliking her body, ask yourself if you are doing anything to contribute to this feeling”

So be a role model for positive body image and for positive values to your own children or for  youngsters in your life. You can help mould them and inspire what they become.

Thank you mothers everywhere who have had such positive influence on us.

Judi Craddock, Peppermint Style. Tel: 07930 367 296