Once lockdown ended and we started tasting freedom again, the calls to the Swan Sanctuary regarding waterfowl in distress started in earnest. Steve Knight told Sunbury Matters he has never seen such a volume of calls. Daily reports of birds caught in fishing twine, some with their feet bound together, cygnets hobbled with twine which would inevitably cut through their legs if for no human intervention. And birds with hooks caught in their necks! If you fish, or know someone who does please make sure you dispose of fishing twine sensibly. You may think that your little bit makes no difference, but it really can cause immense suffering. In addition, it ends up in the food chain, with fish ingesting it. Take it home! Likewise plastic. We have all seen images of distressed animals and birds on TV, but the fact is, it is happening right on our doorstep. Please take responsibility.
Another shocker is dog attacks on birds. This photo says it all. One swan with young was attacked by a dog, leaving her seriously injured.

Last but no means least is antisocial behaviour from boat owners. A trip out on the river is a wonderful time for a drink or two, but a large vessel was seem aiming at speed directly at a large group of waterfowl on the Thames recently. That sort of high jinx and drink filled bravado is simply idiocy!
So thank goodness for the Swan Sanctuary. Dot Beeson may no longer be with us but her legacy lives on. She made such a contribution to the well being of wild fowl that the City of London have erected a plaque to her.
Please help this fantastic organisation continue with their great work. There are lots of options. The Swan Sanctuary has a wish list on Amazon which is easy to find. You could sponsor a swan, buy something from the online shop or you can make a donation. All this is linked through their website: www.theswansanctuary.org.uk/help-us