Since 1943 Sunbury and Walton Sea Cadets have been helping 10-18 year olds to learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, honesty and how to fulfil their potential in a safe and friendly environment.
Plans were approved to rebuild their very old centre near Walton Bridge, but it was badly damaged by the floods of 2014, so the repairs had to take priority and the rebuild was tempo-rarily shelved. They were then hit by Covid, transport issues and price increases and finally their contractor went into administration.
Part of the existing building had already been demolished to make room for the new one. Everyone is therefore now squeezed into an even smaller area. It is testimony to the deter-mination of both the cadets and the volunteers who lead them that despite all the setbacks and disappointment, 50 cadets continue to benefit from attending and there are 60 more on the waiting list!
This time last year Shepperton Matters report-ed that they were halfway to achieving their huge target for the new building, and they are now 75% of the way there.
It’s hard to overstate the difference that Sea Cadets can make to young people’s lives. A high percentage of the children have state-ments, meaning they need extra help at school, many have autism or ADHD. “I am not bul-lied here,” says one child, suggesting that sad-ly she is bullied elsewhere but she can go to Sea Cadets knowing she is safe. Another says, ‘It makes me feel I can do things oth-ers can’t. I don’t want to stay in my house every day. I want to see the world.” All children, whatever their needs, benefit from achieving tasks and making friends. They are a credit to the community and are confi-dent youngsters who give back.
Substantial foundations for the new building are complete and the next stage is to raise the roof and create a dry building ready for fitting out the inside. This exciting project needs your help so that we can replace the run down 80 year building with a new fit for purpose sustainable above flood level building fit for training young people and the local communi-ty.
Please can you help with:
Donations towards the building works – please give whatever you can to -https// (Please see QR code below.)

Volunteering to help run the Sea Cadets stall at Shepperton Fair on 10th June 2023
Donations of bottles for the tombola at the fair – bottles can contain anything at all, not just wine!
Examples of how your money could be spent –
£15 Cladding plank (1500 needed)
£40 1m2 of tiles for splashback in the wet room needed
£100 Internal door (20 needed)
Using Gift aid adds 25% to your donation
Thank you! Your help is so appreciated.