You may have noticed as you stroll down Thames Street towards Rivermead Island, that the little boat has had a complete makeover. As well as the painting, it has been replanted and a plaque has been fixed to the back of the boat. It was funded by the Lower Sunbury Business Community and Ally Dodds, daughter of Gerry and Zandra Ceaser, for whom the boat is a trib-ute. We really want to keep this looking nice. Can you help? Can you take a bottle of water when you go past and water it? If everyone did a little, we could keep it looking nice. It is such a lovely thing. Let’s try to keep it that way.
The work itself was undertaken by Nick White, a Sunbury resident who has had a career change and is now offering his services in carpentry and general handy skills. If you have any work which might suit Nick do email him: njhwhite@gmail.com.