Yes indeed it was May 4th, popularly referred to as World Star Wars Day (if you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry). James Graham was walking Obi his rescue English Setter on Rivermead Island. Obi has a strong interest in the wild fowl, which is of course abundant on the island. To James’ horror, Obi didn’t stop at the bank, but plunged in and swam….and swan…and was not turning round to return. With increasing alarm he called to him. Watching the scene was Alice Downes, the vicar’s wife who hap-pens to be an experienced open water swim-mer.

Before he knew it, she had taken her shoes and socks off, thrown her jumper on to the bench and had plunged in. With some encour-agement, the now panicking Obi, was re-turned to shore and was reunited with a very grateful owner.
The heroic tale was the feel good story on the BBC London news, who sent reporter Wendy Hurrell down to Sunbury to meet the trio.
James referred to possible “divine interven-tion” that the vicar’s wife just happened to be there to help and knew that stretch of river well. Alice herself laughed at the fact that it happened on May 4th. What an inspiring tale.
Please don’t be inspired to swim in the Thames unless you are experienced in out-door swimming or have the right safety equip-ment. It is not for the faint hearted!