It is some 5 or 6 years since Squire’s started ‘Knit and Natter’, a weekly gathering of locals who get together to craft and chat. At it’s peak there were some 30 members gathering, but Covid put paid to that. The group missed this communal activity so much that once we were allowed to meet in groups of 6 out-side, they met at each other’s gardens, sitting outside in many layers of clothing, just to be together again. They are now once more gathering in Squire’s Shepperton every week. Times of adversity bring us together.
That is true also of our wish to make a difference. One member, Ann Brennan, was moved by the Ukrainian war and started knitting little teddy hand puppets for children. The rest of the group soon joined in and between them they have created hundreds of them. They are being sent via one of the local Ukrainian cafes out to the borders with Poland to give a little smile and positivity to the children who have been caught up in the conflict.

The group is mostly made up of ladies, but a couple of men have proved that knit-ting is not just a female activity. One young man came along with the desire to learn and was soon producing magnificent pieces.
As well as knitting, some members cro-chet and one lady was doing cross stitch. Another was quite happy to say she spe-cialises in the ‘Natter’ part of the group!
So if you want to be sociable and active, come and have a coffee at Squire’s on a Wednesday morning. The group meet from 10-12 on the big table just as you enter the café. You will be made very welcome.