Village Matters

Sea Cadets – Half Way There….. 

By Monica Jones 

Half way there sounds close…but the journey for the Sea Cadets has been a rocky one and they continue to be very challenged. 

The Sunbury and Walton Sea Cadets (SWSC) have been through a momentous 10 years. Having got planning permission to rebuild their very old training centre, they were badly affected by the floods of 2014 and lost much treasured history and effects. They rose above it and started building anew, laying founda-tions and infrastructure. They were so close to achieving their dream of a new training centre when they were hit with Covid, transport is-sues and price increases, not to mention their builder going broke. The result is that having achieved their fund raising target of a huge £741,613, they now find themselves £185,000 short. So the fund raising is once more top of the agenda. 

SWSC is a fantastic local group. Since 1943 it has given thousands of 10-18 year olds a good formation in life. Their website states: “…we aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, we learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, hon-esty and how to be the best version of our-selves”. This organisation has helped children gain confidence, skills, team building and set them on their way to a brighter future. In the modern world of computer games and increas-ing isolation and anxiety amongst children, this is the type of adventure you want your child to enjoy. 13 year old Shaun says “It makes me feel I can do things others can’t. I don’t want to stay in my house every day. I want to see the world”. 

It is an organisation that must be cherished. 

So we met at the current training centre by the river near Walton Bridge to see the building work and hear about the plans. The team ur-gently needs to raise money to help finalise the new training facilities and future proof the centre. Special thanks was given to Richard Walsh, Robin Sider and Vivienne Leighton, who have all supported the SWSC with grants. 

Can you help? If you can, please get in touch E: 

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