In our comfortable and safe existence in the affluent South East of England we often talk about ‘keeping a roof over our heads’ and we at the Riverside have used that same phrase when attempting to balance our books. But let us spare a thought for those un-fortunate people of the Ukraine to whom that phrase has a much darker meaning. I know of one “musical’ household in Sunbury who has offered their complete house for up to six months to homeless musicians, helping those in their own sphere of interest. Maybe you can explore a way of harnessing the goodwill of those in your own circle to help those in desperate need. Or of course you can always donate via the official Disas-ters Emergency Committee (www.dec.org.uk). It almost seems trite to talk of such mundane matters as your local Arts Centre at this time, but many people who visit us are responding in whatever way they can to the Ukrainian crisis. A helping hand of another kind is being offered by our Ballero Group who have just started running a weekly dance session for members of Dramatize, as-sisting adults with learning difficulties. (www.dramatize.co.uk). One of our successes has been the monthly jazz concerts and jam sessions organised by Mood Indigo Events, who will have celebrated 10 years at the Riverside at the end of March. Top class pro-fessional musicians at a fraction of London prices ! Just before Covid, Wonderama Cinema were just getting established with their big screen showings of popular films; which enterprise naturally ground to a halt. We are pleased to say that they are back with regular showings of films to suit all tastes. As to “live” entertainment, as well as the jazz, we have a concert by a classical guitarist; the youngster of IAMT presenting “Rent – the musical”; the poignant drama of “Amy’s View”; the glitz and glitter of “Come to the Cabaret”; top class comedians at the Comedy Club; the opportunity to beat the quiz master at a Speed Quizzing evening; and a dance show “In Celebration of Women” . And that is just in April ! You can see contact information for these events and all our other groups in our “Riverside presents …..” page elsewhere in this publica-tion As we have said before the Riverside Arts Centre has no paid employees and is run by an amazing band of volunteers and we are always looking for people able to spare a few hours a month to assist us in some way, according to their particular talent. One job essential to the correct running of the Charity is that of Treasurer and after 5 years at the abacus, Lydia Fowles will be stepping down at this summer’s AGM and we thank her for all her hard work. Her replacement will need a reasonably high level of accountancy competence, so if you want to know more, contact us via the details at the bottom of this page. In whatever you do, or whatever you see, please remember those in need