Village Matters

LoSRA Says 

2022 AGM in June – Vacancies on the LOSRA Committee 

Thanks to the pandemic it’s now been nearly two years since the Association held its last Annual General Meeting. 

All being well, we will be holding our next AGM on 22nd June at our usual venue, the Riverside Arts Centre on Thames Street. 

It will be on the occasion of the AGM that Committee members will be elected or re-elected. 2022 marks the 50th year since the Association’s foundation and we continue to be run by a highly professional Committee of local residents who give up their time freely. We currently hold a number of vacancies and invite nominations before the AGM date ar-rives. 

The Association’s purpose is to optimise and enhance the quality of life for Lower Sunbury residents by all appropriate means. 

In particular, this involves pursuing these key strategies and objectives: 

• To stimulate public consciousness and appreciation of the appearance and character of Lower Sunbury. 

• To work for the continued maintenance and enhancement of the Lower Sunbury Con-servation Area. 

• To prevent unnecessary housing develop-ment which is out of character with the area, especially development which increases hous-ing density inappropriately, and which in-volves demolishing existing good houses and building on existing domestic gardens. 

• To press for the preservation and exten-sion of Green Belt and public open spaces, and work to protect the local environment. 

• To support the development of Lower Sunbury’s commercial life and public ser-vices, consistent with environmental objec-tives. 

• To press for appropriate traffic manage-ment or exclusion measures. 

• To main-tain and en-hance the strong sense of community and social co-hesion within Lower Sun-bury. 

To work with other amenity organisations in support of the Associa-tion’s aims. 

If you are in-terested in joining the Committee, please get in touch via the ‘contact’ facility at the very top of the home page of our website: