Spelthorne in Bloom Jubilee Poster Comp 

The poster competition is underway and hope-fully many schools will enter. The closing date is March 11th. The theme for this year is “Platinum Jubilee: 70 years” and is part of the local efforts to celebrate the Queen’s remarkable 70 years on the throne. Organisers have asked that the words “Spelthorne in Bloom” appear in each poster, and that children use strong colours, but not silver or gold as these colours do not reproduce well once turned into A4 size post-ers. 

The winning entry will appear on the entry form and posters for Spelthorne in Bloom. There will be a ceremony on 21st April (the Queen’s actual birthday) to announce the win-ner and officially open Spelthorne in Bloom. Spelthorne in Bloom Chairman Nick Wood-Dow commented: “We kook forward to re-ceiving lots of entries from local schools in the next few weeks, and to seeing colourful inter-pretations of the theme Platinum Jubilee: 70 years.”