By Monica Chard
Our usual activities may have been curtailed in these new times of Covid, but one thing that is still alive and well is our ability to get out and enjoy our borough. So said leader of Spelthorne council Lawrence Nichols at the Capture Spelthorne competition event recent-ly.
It is the 4th year the council has run this pho-tographic competition and it had by far the greatest number of entries. 350 to be precise and by all accounts the highest standard to date too. Sunbury & Shepperton Matters have been keen to encourage entries and as you know, we run a regular Local Capture page in the magazines. We certainly take some credit for the increase in entries this year!
The competition was started to encourage locals to showcase the best of the borough. One of the great joys of seeing the entries is to see our environment through the eyes of local residents. And what an amazing borough we live in.

Finalists of the 5 categories were gathered at the Korda Theatre at Shepperton Studios for the awards. All finalists were given two tick-ets to the fabulous Shepperton cinema. Cate-gory winners received £50, a framed photo of their entry and a huge book on Shepperton Studios.
The category winners were as follows:
Community Mike Bodnar
Nature Lisa O’Sullivan
Sporting Spelthorne Barry Dix
Business Mike Bodnar
Miscellaneous Tanya Snook
Under 16s Freddie Whittaker
The overall winner was Lisa O’Sullivan with her swans at sunset, seen above.
You don’t need a fancy camera to take part. Just be inspired! Be sure to take part next year.
Cllr Colin Barnard, Chairman of the Econom-ic Development committee, said: “Every year this competition has been going, I have never ceased to be amazed by the quality of photo-graphs taken by residents in the Borough. Spelthorne is a beautiful place to live and work and these photos show our Borough at its finest. All entrants should be proud of their efforts.”