Sunbury Park and, more recently, Or-chard Meadow and Hawke Park (previously the TP26 Linear Park) are highly valued local amenity assets both appreciated and used by many residents to visit, play, relax, or for dog walking. Together with Spelthorne Council, The Friends of Sunbury Park (FSoP) volun-teer group work to maintain the environ-ment and nature of the park throughout the year to ensure it remains a wild place in the centre of Sunbury and valued by all. To bring visitors closer to the observable nature the Park has to offer, the Friends have produced a number of family friend-ly guides which describe the wildlife that can be found by walking and exploring through both the grassland and woodland areas of the Park. The booklets published to date; The Birds of Sunbury Park and The Wildflowers and Grasses of Sunbury Park, can be purchased from the Embroi-dery Gallery or Skinners Newsagents at a price of £3. What lovely Christmas pre-sents! Future publications, The Butter-flies of Sunbury Park, and The Trees of Sunbury Park, are planned for early 2022. In addition, a booklet describing the flora of The Walled Garden is in the course of preparation for publica-tion next year. The Friends of Sunbury Park are very grateful to all those who have either purchased a booklet or sponsored publication; and this Association is pleased to have made a contribution. All funds received are ploughed back into the Park to ensure it remains a wild, but relaxing place to visit.