By Monica Chard
For many years Jacqueline Stanton had her eye on an empty building in Vicarage Road, Sunbury, seeing its potential as a much needed community hub. The former social services building had been empty for close to 10 years. It stood on land which was part of the old Kenyngton Manor school and which was owned by Surrey County Coun-cil. The site had been ear marked for devel-opment of a block of flats but locals had protested vehemently against it.
Well finally Jacqueline’s dream has come true and she has been overwhelmed at the support she has had from the local commu-nity.
During the first few months of it’s being, it was only safe to operate outside, so the gar-den centre was the first part of the hub to come into being. Plants were donated by locals. Garden pots and furniture followed. Finally the official opening of the hub itself followed in September and it is a thriving centre. We went to visit to see what is on offer.

In todays world of reuse and waste not, it is spot on. Items of furniture, bric a brac, books and clothing have been donated by local com-panies and individuals. Recently rennovated pub the Hare & Hounds donated chairs and has put on fund raising events. The Holiday Inn donated tables when they refurbished.
All donated clothes are washed and ironed by a team of volunteers. Baby clothes are given to Homestart and to the North Surrey protec-tion unit, as well as projects in nearby Houns-low. The volume and choice is incredible. In addition there is a craft room where jewellery making, beading, knitting and crocheting is done by local groups and where you can join a workshop.
Plans are afoot for a children’s Christmas grotto which will be held outside. The shop itself has been decked out attractively to suit the season. You can pick up lots of seasonal bargains. So go and take a look. If you can offer any help with renovating do-nated furniture please do contact Jac by email:
And do remember to pop in to visit and buy from this well stocked community hub. There is plenty of parking and it is a veritable Aladdin’s cave: 108 Vicarage Road, Sunbury on Thames, TW16 7QX. Open 9-5pm Monday to Saturday and 9-4 Sunday. Tel 01932 761155 or 07943 094882