Village Matters

Sunbury & Shepperton Beat

By Inspector Maxine Cilia 

The crime of this month is theft from motor vehicles. It is still so surprising how many people leave their cars on their drives un-locked. What is more surprising is that they also leave their car full of valuable items such as expensive sun-glasses, mobile phones and satnavs, cash, even wallets and bank cards. Please check your vehicle is locked. Usually a mod-ern car emits a flashing light when it is locked and the alarm is set. If it is not set and left unlocked an experienced thief will be able to spot your vehicle quickly in the dark and be off with your items, or in some cases the car as well. Much of the CCTV footage we have seen shows the thieves simply trying doors until they strike lucky. 

We have also had a rise in the number theft of motorcycles. These have been stolen from lock ups, garages and driveways and if you have any information please let us know or call Crimestoppers 0800 555 111. Please ensure you put your motorbike in a well-lit area and consider a strong recommended lock. 

You will be pleased to know that we did arrest a male for theft from motor vehicles who was charged and given a fine in the courts the next day. 

Staines Town area is still experiencing high levels of anti-social behaviour from youths. We have already put a number of measures in place but we really do need more reporting and identification of individuals who may be causing the issues. That means we can serve ASB letters, working towards CBO’s if the individuals do not change their behaviour. 

During this time of year we often see an increase in the use of fireworks anti socially by under 18s . We are keen to hear from any-one who knows if fireworks are being sold illegally to under 18 year olds and we will work with our partners at trading standards to intervene. 

Please do not become complacent about bur-glaries as we are starting to see a small rise in burglaries in the local area. It is ever more important to make you house look like you are in throughout the evening and ensure you close windows and double lock doors. The method of entry to these burglaries are rear back doors therefore access is needed into gardens. Please check your gardens are secure with rear gates and side gates locked and pad-locked. We have also seen tools used from the garden areas to assist in gaining access, such as ladders to reach flat roof extension areas and tools to assist in entry. Please ensure ladders are locked away and that other tools are not left within easy handy access. 

see us @Spelthorne Beat 

Many thanks 

Maxine Cilia 

Spelthorne Borough Commander 

Mobile Tel 07967988468 

Landline 01483 631676 

Chair of Surrey Women’s Network