As the summer holidays come to a close and the restrictions of the last 18 months are finally lifting we can be left with a mix of emotions, it is time to get back to where we were before but perhaps with a little more motivation and focus on our wellbeing.
Mental health is no longer a taboo subject and most people, if they are being honest, would admit to having experienced a low point in their lives, this is an inevitable part of being human. Rather than allowing these feelings to take over, leaving us emotionally powerless, we are able to take back control by being mindful in our thoughts and actions to counter these negative emotions.
Starting another school year can seem daunting for our youngsters and can bring with it feelings of anxiety. As parents, we want to feel able to provide the support they need and give them the confidence to embrace their bright futures and enjoy the prospect of reuniting with friends and teachers on a positive level.
Talking is the obvious first step, encouraging our young adults to express and communicate their emotions is essential for them to understand how they are feeling, simply listening to their thoughts is very powerful tool indeed.

The next step is movement and exercise. Taking time out by joining small group sessions can really bring a sense of calmness, camaraderie and fun. As a martial arts instructor for the last 20 years I have personally witnessed the many benefits fitness has on our children, both physically and mentally.
A very simple example would be the use of pads to kick and punch, this can help alleviate frustrations, countered with focussed breathing exercises is a wonderful way to free the mind and lower anxiety.
Learning a few basic self-defence moves will build confidence and stamina, gentle stretch-es, body conditioning and deep breathing are all excellent by products of this discipline. Any exercise is great for keeping a healthy body and mind, whether it is as simple as going for a walk or as extreme as swimming the channel!
We must make sure to set our young ones on the right track to feeling energised while pre-paring their precious young minds for their increasingly bright futures.
For more information on classes please contact me on
Instagram @missfu2020