Village Matters

Spelthorne – the Happiest Borough in Surrey

By Monica Chard 

It’s official! According to a survey by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Spelthorne is the happiest place to live in Surrey. (It is in Middlesex of course, but that is a different story!) 

The ONS broke down the average ratings of four factors, which included life satisfaction, the feeling that the things done in life are worthwhile, happiness and anxiety, in order to measure personal well-being across the UK. The survey covers the period between April 2019 and March 2020, which includes the run-up to the first lockdown period. 

Using these measures, Spelthorne came out top. The borough averaged 7.9 in terms of happiness and did well in life satisfaction, ‘worthwhileness’ and low in anxiety. 

We love where we live. It may not be perfect, but where is? The fact is, we get more right than wrong, but much of the happiness factor comes from the one most important thing; the people themselves. YOU! Remember some years back Shepperton was named the most polite place in the UK. There you are! I am sure Sunbury would give it a run for its money too! 

Spelthorne Council published some of the many reasons why we can be thankful and proud to live in the borough. We have select-ed the best and elaborated on them. This list is of course not exhaustive but let’s have a look: 

Caring communities: Most definitely! Under normal circumstances there is an evident community spirit. But the pandemic has brought out the best of our caring side. Neigh-bours looking out for each other, many of us getting involved and doing our bit to help and to brighten the lives of strangers, children creating rainbows to thank the NHS. 

Volunteers: There are too many groups to mention, but think of the food banks, with volunteers cooking and drivers collecting and delivering food and prepared meals. We need also to mention Sunbury Neighbours. 

Civic Pride: As well as the Tree Wardens and Friends of Sunbury Park, we have seen the rise of the local litter pickers who are taking pride in our area, keeping it nice for everyone to enjoy. 

Green Spaces: We are blessed with beautiful green spaces to enjoy, parks, the Walled Garden, pathways and of course the river with all the wildlife and beauty it brings with it.

Independent Shops and Restaurants: We have a growing array of small businesses, many owner run, which provide essentials, as well as some great eateries. Long may the independent businesses thrive. We must support them. 

Events and Arts: Sadly we have lost our many cherished events for now, but we love the community feel engendered by the Sunbury regatta and the much loved Christ-mas market. We are truly blessed to have the Embroidery Gallery and the Riverside Arts Centre with the exhibitions, performances and music they put on. 

Further information on the survey can found: