Village Matters

Please Look out for Hedgehogs

We had a call from a local resident who had found an injured hedgehog on the back lawn. It was daytime which was unusual, and the animal was not moving. So she called the RSPCA who came and had a look. It turned out that the poor little thing had sustained a serious injury to its head and neck, likely from a strimmer. Sadly there was no choice but the put it to sleep. It must have been in a good deal of distress and pain. 

Every year there are thousands of hedgehogs killed or maimed by cutting machines in the garden, either strimmers or lawn mowers. As spring is coming and we are getting out there enjoying our gardens, please spare a thought for these charming little creatures who are waking up from hibernation. Please check grass, piles of leaves and hedges thoroughly before using mowers, strimmers or hedge cutters. 

If you find a hedgehog that looks distressed, do call the Shepperton Hedgehog Sanctuary on 01932 889182. If the animal is seriously injured please contact a local vet or better still, contact Wildlife Aid Leatherhead, which is the only wildlife hospital in Surrey: 

Wildlife Aid, Randalls Farm, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, KT22 0AL 

Open 09:00 to 20:30 seven days a week