Village Matters

Self Published ‘The Ring of Dark Shadows’ tackles Child Abuse

By Chloe-May Cuthill (pictured) 

2020 was one of the toughest years ever and it took it’s toll on so many. With problems arising because of the pandemic; people losing their jobs or being furloughed and schools closing, this led to the high-est numbers of children feeling lost, alone and scared. The NSPCC saw their helpline numbers dramatically increase due to children being con-fined to home and subjected to abuse. 

I know all too well what it’s like to feel alone and scared, I was a victim of child abuse from the age of 9 up until the age of 12. But in 2017 I came for-ward to the police with the help of the NSPCC and after 3 long years of investigations justice was fi-nally served. 

I had kept what happened to me quiet for 17 years so it was now time to speak up and share my story. 

At the beginning of 2020 I decided to share what had happened to me on social media and the re-sponse I received was overwhelming. I knew I now wanted to do something positive out of a massive negative. 

I sat down and started to write a book. I wasn’t sure what direction I was going to go at first but after drafting lots of ideas I knew I wanted to write a children’s book. 

The main aim of my book ‘The Ring of Dark Shad-ows’ is to get more people, young and old, to talk openly about abuse and to eradicate the stigma around it as well as the shame. 

If we can bring the subject into everyday life then it will encourage children and adults to speak up and come forward. I want children to know they always have a voice and that their voice will always be heard. 

‘The Ring of Dark Shadows’ has six realistic sto-ries with a powerful message about different types of child abuse. The stories reflect on friendship, bravery and speaking up. 

My book isn’t scary and it doesn’t ever mention actual abuse. I have written it carefully and safely so children will understand. 

I realise parents will be scared and wary about dis-cussing topics of abuse with their children, it’s a conversation that’s difficult to address and knowing how or when is sometimes the toughest part and then normally ignored. This is why I wanted to write a book that can be a conversation starter be-tween children and their parents. 

My main character Avie doesn’t experience abuse, she sees the danger and then helps her friends and family. 

If my book can educate children recognise danger and the different types of abuse out there and how to stop it by speaking up then I have succeeded. 

I have also added relevant information for children to report abuse if they need to at the end of the book and 10% goes towards the NSPCC and 10% goes towards RASASC. 

I am currently writing my memoirs which I hope to publish sometime this year and I’m hoping my story will encourage others out there to come for-ward and know they are not alone. 

Child abuse still carries huge stigma and is not talked about enough. People who have suffered abuse need to know they will be believed. Let’s silence the shame not the subject. 

To keep up with my story please head to my Face-book page Let’s Talk About Abuse. On there I dis-cuss problems and issues that I have overcome with the hope of helping others speak up and not feel alone or isolated. 

My book ‘The Ring of Dark Shadows’ is available on Amazon or you can order directly from my website 

If you have concerns about child abuse, relating to yourself or someone you know, support is always available online or by telephone from the NSPCC: or you can call 0808 800 5000.