Village Matters

Not in Gerry’s Memory!

Widow campaigns for change of name in light of overdevelopment 

By Monica Chard 

Having something named in your memory is intended to be an honour. But in the case of Ceaser Court, it is more likely to be an insult to the memory of a good man. We reported on the impending development of Ceaser Court phase 2 in the January issue. Since then, we have visited the site (pre lockdown) to get an idea of the impact this is going to have on residents and the surrounding area and see just why Zandra Ceaser, Gerry’s widow, is campaigning to have the name of the development changed. 

As things stand the old Benwell House at the top of Green Street has been converted from offices to flats. To squeeze as much profit as possible out of the conversion, two floors were added to the top, making a 6 storey building. Residents at Meadows End have had to get used to the higher block, still vaguely hidden by trees. But the threat is to add a second block which will look directly into the homes of residents. An artists view shows the loss of trees and privacy. 

“Gerry would have gone bananas,” says Zandra Ceaser. “I don’t want his name associated with a monstrous development like this”. Gerry Ceaser was a lover of trees and nature. So if phase 2 is granted, there will be a very angry lady to contend with and that name will have to change. 

Local residents are supported by LoSRA who will object in the strongest terms against this huge development, out of keeping with the surroundings. The concern is also that the site is owned by Spelthorne Council who will be the body granting planning permission….