Many of us may blame the current litter scourge on ignorance, bad upbringing or lazy youngers. So how about this then?! The num-ber of mini litter pickers is on the increase. Parents are getting involved with their chil-dren, setting a great example and showing how lovely it is to keep our village clean.
Thanks to Jayne Catesby Griffiths for sharing these adorable photos of her two boys; Seb, aged 10 and Benji aged 7. The amount of lit-ter they have collected is staggering!

And how about this little trio? All ready to go in their hi viz Spelthorne Litter Picker vests:
Since we first published the article in Septem-ber about Sunbury’s Adam Stevenson and his 9 year old daughter Anya picking litter, the whole thing with community litter picking has gone crazy! The Facebook group Spelthorne Litter Pickers has now more than 500 mem-bers. That is brilliant news. Says co founder Shirley Lunn “It’s a real cross-section of the community across all areas of the borough,” says Shirley, “aged from pre-school children to retirement age. But everyone shares a pas-sion for the environment and wants to make a difference.” Spelthorne Council continue to give certifi-cates from the Mayor to mini litter pickers. They are certainly showing the way! If you and your little ones are doing litter picking and you would like to be featured in Sunbury Matters then please email a photo with names and ages to
Well done all. Keep up the good work.