Village Matters

LoSRA Says

The Boat Sheds Have Gone. A Good Time to revisit the cycle/footbridge Project 

Nick Pollard’s article on the demolition of Wilson & Sons boat sheds in the November edition provides a timely reminder of our cam-paign to install a cycle/footbridge connecting Lower Sunbury to the Thames National Trail at Walton. 

The River Thames is one of our greatest assets, but it’s also a barrier between places where people live, work and take their leisure. The Association believes that a car-free bridge would be of enormous benefit to a wide area both north and south of the River. It would mean safer and shorter non-polluting journeys to work, school and recreation. In short the River is a beautiful linear park but it also prevents easy sharing of the excellent ameni-ties that exist on either side of the waterway. 

Residents will remember the public consulta-tion we completed in August 2015 which, from the five options proposed, favoured a crossing from FlowerPot Green to the Lock island and beyond. Surrey County Council, The Environment Agency and the boroughs of Elmbridge and Spelthorne were (and presumably still are) support-ive. Indeed SCC’s Cycling Strategy for 2014 – 2026 states: “We will work in partnership to develop local cycling plans for each of Surrey’s 11 districts and boroughs that are responsive to local needs and concerns…. We will improve infrastructure for cycling by se-curing funding to develop high quality joined up cycle routes, taking account of internation-al best practice….” 

As infrastructure projects go, the erection of a cycle/footbridge necessarily competes against many other less expensive but nevertheless worthy projects, especially in these straitened times. In short, the political will is there but the funding remains elusive for the time being. 

If you are unfamiliar with the project and would like to know more, please visit and click on the banner at the top of the home page.