The Gift of Friendship, Human Kindness and Generosity

By Shepperton & Sunbury Rotary 

The Coronavirus, although isolating millions of us, has also brought together people like nothing has ever done before. The ‘wartime’ spirit often referred to by the older generation has at last begun to have meaning to other generations who, fortunately, have never had to deal with the privations of such times of conflict. A multitude of acts of kindness have helped pull our communities together in a massive act of defiance that shows human beings can and will help each other in times of crisis. 

Over a hundred years ago one man Paul Harris didn’t need a war or a pandemic to engender a sense of community in his friends and business colleagues. He invited those he knew well to meet, to raise funds and distribute them to those in need. A simple concept with no pomp or pageantry, minimal overheads and based on the simple process that he and his friends would meet, share a meal, enjoy conversation and raise money.

They all agreed as a group their voluntary work would always be based on four basic principles – in everything they said and did ‘Is it the truth?’, ‘Is it fair to all concerned?’, ‘Will it be beneficial to all concerned?’ and ‘Will it build goodwill and better friendships?’. 

In the past eight weeks or so a group of friends from Shepperton and Sunbury, following Paul Harris’ lead and, like they have done for many, many years before, have worked together to help their local community. From the money they have previously raised through events, subscriptions or individual donations they have contributed thousands of pounds to help and support those locally most in need at this time of national crisis. 

They have dug deep into their funds and directly supported two local hospices, three schools’ hardship funds, over 250 children directly in need, three food banks with both food supplies and finance, support for a local domestic abuse charity, help for those with housing issues, launched a children’s art competition and given money towards ‘Boredom Buster’ packs for the elderly and isolated through the council’s Support4Spelthorne initiative. 

When Paul Harris and his colleagues used to meet, they would do it in each other’s houses or their business premises. To ensure the hosting of such meetings was equitable, they would rotate round each others premises. They ‘rotated’ and hence became Rotarians. 

Shepperton & Sunbury and Shepperton Aurora Rotary Clubs have continued the same simple principle that Paul established back in Chicago in 1905. We meet as friends, often have a meal, enjoy a range of social activities together, help run local events but most of all raise charitable funds to distribute to our local community when they need it most as well as national and international disasters and good causes. 

At this unprecedented time your local Rotarians are here to help. We are always gaining new friends to help – if you would be interested in joining us or just more information please call Ken on 01932 770580 or Chris 01932 231596. Stay safe, don’t be lonely, or if you need help, please give us a call.