Notes from the Riverside Arts Centre

By David Young and James Ford –Bannister 

As I write this, I see that 160 years ago today the ‘ghost ship’ Marie Celeste was launched. A name that is synonymous with something deserted, derelict and abandoned. Well the good ship ‘SS Riverside Arts Centre’ is certainly not abandoned although she is looking pretty deserted with almost none of her many activities taking place. ‘Captain’ Eric Champion is keeping a regular eye on the buildings to ensure that she does not become derelict and is ship-shape to start normal arrangements once Government regulations allow. Current indications are that it cannot be until at least July, and probably later. We hope that official announcements at the end of May might give some indication on this, so that our groups can plan ahead and return to offering all our leisure and cultural activities. The doors may be closed at Riverside but many of the groups are managing some sort of online activity. You can still participate in piano and flute lessons, painting classes, Ballet Barre sessions, dance, Pilates, Keep Fit, a jazz concert, comedy quiz nights or perhaps particularly useful in these stressful times you can join a Yoga relaxation class. Contact details for all of these are on our ‘Riverside presents..’ on page 47 in this issue. 

We wrote last month of the cancellation of the public premiere of Richard Black’s play ‘Passing Over’. However as this magazine is being published the play will have recorded multiple ‘firsts’. On May 28th it will become the first ever play produced by the newly formed Riverside Players of Sunbury (an amalgamation of Shepperton and Manor Players); it will also be the first play ever auditioned, cast, rehearsed, and premiered online via Zoom. Riverside Youth Theatre have rescheduled their May production of ‘Box Set’ to December 2020 and it is worth giving this amazing organisation a plug. Formed in 1982 RYT offers youngsters between the ages of 12 and 18 the chance to participate in all aspects of theatre life. Not just acting, but producing, set building, lighting and sound engineering. It will have inspired in hundreds of young people the love of drama, many of whom have gone on to work in the entertainment industry, both back-stage and on-stage, notably actress Ruth Wilson. 

On 9th June Riverside Jazz will be presenting Terence Collie’s Duo concert with Richard Sadler on bass. See the YouTube link on our Riverside presents diary page.

Sunbury-on-Thames Flower Club are keen to hear, and see pictures, of how you flower people have been turning this lock-down into extra garden time. 

Our groups anxiously await updates on the Government guidelines and are continually looking at new ways to continue to operate in some form. If you are interested in any of our groups, this is the time to contact them with a view to joining either now or when things return to what we used to call ‘normal’ All contact details for our groups are published on our ‘Riverside presents….’ diary page, which appears in this edition and every month. 

The Riverside Arts Centre 57/59 Thames Street, TW16 5QF / / 07796 531 427