Even the Duck Race Goes Digital!

MidasPlus is a local registered charity that focuses on helping local people with physical disabilities or learning difficulties who need financial help for much needed equipment or services that cannot be fulfilled elsewhere and with funding for projects for local community groups. MidasPlus is often seen as a ‘last resort’. 

All the work is carried out by volunteers, nobody is paid, so all of the money raised goes directly to local people in need. 

They are best known for running the annual duck races at Staines-upon-Thames Day. As this event has had to be cancelled along with so many other events, they decided to hold a VIRTUAL DUCK RACE. 

Runnymede on Thames Hotel kindly offered a great prize – dinner, overnight accommodation & breakfast for 2 people when they re-open. 

MidasPlus decided that all the money raised would go to ASHFORD AND ST PETER’S HOSPITALS for their COVID-19 fund. 

The race had a maximum of 100 ducks which were offered for a minimum of £5 each. They sold out in 5 days with some people paying more than £5 for a duck and others making donations. They raised £1000! If you would like to view the race please go to https://www.facebook.com/MidasPlus/videos/2831274376998808/ 

One of the Trustees, Mike Wylie said “I am delighted that the race went well and that we were able to raise money for our local hospital. It was a great result and if MidasPlus are offered another good prize I will be happy to run another virtual duck race”. MidasPlus also recently donated funds to two local Food Banks in Stanwell and Staines-upon-Thames and helped a local gentleman who is unable to work due to the virus re-strictions and was already suffering financial hardship. 

If you know of disadvantaged people in Spelthorne or Runnymede, particularly if they are struggling due to the virus restrictions and are in financial difficulty, please contact MidasPlus – they may be able to help. Also if anyone would like to run an online event or raise funds on their behalf, or make a donation please get in touch. 

info@midasplus.org.uk or go to the website https://midasplus.org.uk