Village Matters

Facing Your Fears and Climbing Mountains

January is the time for New Year resolutions. What have you been putting off? What do you want to change to make life better? It may be a personal challenge, like running the marathon. It may be changing careers, or becoming self-employed….It is natural to be somewhat fearful of change. We are all human after all.
I faced a fear recently – Mrs Fear to be precise. Mrs Fear climbs mountains, physically and metaphorically, challenging herself and by doing that, finding her inner strength, character and direction. She can help you do the same.

Ingrid Fear lives in Shepperton. She is a life coach, helping individuals to achieve their full potential. She was brought up in South Africa and came over to the UK when she was married with two children. Her upbringing (and that of her children) was out in the wild, walking in the rugged mountains and savannah of Africa. Whilst Ingrid spent three years working with elephants she observed that these huge beasts are a great example of leadership, reliability and gentleness all in one, and we could learn a lot from them. Her life sounds idyllic, but you never know what is round the corner. Ingrid found herself going through divorce, debt, death and redundancy. Hardship makes you stronger, so they say, and Ingrid learned to face her fears, deal with change and “flip” negatives into positives. She is well placed therefore to help others find their way.

Ingrid believes we can all take steps to find fulfilment and freedom in life: “My definition and understanding of “freedom” is, realising you have a choice – to choose your own direction in life. Knowing and understanding that you have choice, is so liberating!” says Ingrid.

Life is not a dress rehearsal, as we are often told by our sensible friends. So many of us find ourselves in a rut, with life rushing past. Mrs Fear has the ability to help individuals find their way through the maze of life, to discover their best self. “Seeing the bounce in people when they know their path, is my joy!” she says.

So you get the gist of it – Ingrid relishes challenges. Here you can see her on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, a trip she completed with Fresh Gym in 2012. Her next challenge is to walk across the Sahara desert. There are bound to be another personal quests in the offing and she will more than likely help you to identify your own challenges and achieve them. (I am sure that she was trying to encourage me to climb a mountain while we were having a chat in Café Mocha!). It is all about self-discovery and freedom and what is not to like about that.

So why not decide that 2016 is the year you are going to make changes, face your fears head on and identify which ‘mountain’ you are going to take on. You may already have plenty of will power, but if you need a nudge to help you along, Ingrid offers workshops (the Fabulous Fear Workout) where she will help you find your best self.

For a free 30 minute consultation why not contact Ingrid.