By Monica Jones
There is a new social meet up group which has started up, welcoming those aged 45 and over. The aim is to welcome anyone who wants to get together in a warm space, have a cuppa and chat to others. It might be that you are a mum whose children have started full time at school or left for Uni or college. Or it could be that you are a carer and need a cou-ple of hours of “you” time. Maybe you live alone and would like some company, a game of cards or do a puzzle with someone. Or you might be widowed, between jobs, retired or just looking for a chance to meet others. You might also be looking for a local volunteering opportunity.
So read on…
We went to the inaugural meeting of Hilary’s Hut to get a flavour. It was buzzing, with ta-bles laid out, chatter and activity, and a very warm welcome from hosts Nichola and Pam-ela. The group meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the church hall behind Christ Church off Kingston Road, Staines. You can easily park in the church car park or nearby.
Inside you will find activities such as crafts, knit and stitch, games and cards. There is a book swap and even a plant swap corner. The café is serving tea, coffee and cakes which are by donation. Volunteers bake cakes and nib-bles.
Our visit was in the run up to Christmas so as a special treat, UkuLaleham, the local ukulele group, gave a performance of popular tunes. They were wonderful, bringing a sprinkle of magic happy dust with them and getting the audience clapping along to the music.

Nichola Cormes, group leader, has plans to introduce chess and bridge, chair aerobics and hand massage. You can already get your hands warm in the electric hand warmers which are made available. What a lovely thought!
The initiative is funded through a donation from the Community Fund for Surrey, and is the brain child of Nichola Cormes who set up Get2Gether Locally after Lockdown. She said “the lockdown period made us all appreciate each other, and how important community is. I wanted to continue to encourage that sense of care and community which was the best to come out of that period.”
The next meeting is January 4th from 10.00am to 12.00. Forthcoming dates are February 1st, March 1st and April 5th so get them in the diary.
Keep in touch with plans via Facebook Hilary’s Hut
visit the website:
or message Nichola on 07980 204628.
Hilary’s Hut
Hall at Christ Church
Entrance on Kenilworth Gardens
TW18 1DR