Shepperton Residents’ Association

By Carl Phillips 

Firstly, the next Shepperton Residents’ Association OPEN MEETING will take place in Shep-perton Village Hall at 8.00pm on Monday 21st March. Do make a note in your diaries – come along and air your views on all things Shepperton. As usual, there will be local councillors present and we will be discussing the current topics and issues of the day. It is your village – so come along and take part in the discussions. 

In advance of the Open Meeting, I will be out and about in the street – by Sainsburys – on the morning of Saturday 5th March. Come up and let me know your concerns – and also please feel free to express any positive comments too! – All are welcome. I shall report back on these at the meeting. Currently, the High Street is maintaining a good level of business and many traders are report-ing a positive footfall and turnover. However, we – the customers – cannot be too complacent; they will still need our full support and help over the coming year – times are still difficult for many of us – and them. KEEP SUPPORTING THE HIGH STREET. 

Moving on to some other topics: firstly – 

News about the M3 Noise Barriers Bernard Troop writes: Work clearing the vegetation on both sides of the M3 between the Laleham Road bridge and Greeno Crescent footbridge, in preparation for the installation of noise barriers began at the end of February. The Residents Associa-tion’s campaign, which was launched in 2008, is finally coming to fruition. 

On the planning front Ken Snaith writes: Re: Shepperton Studios expansion plans Further to the combined Laleham, Shepperton and Charlton Village Residents’ Association’s article in last month’s Village Matters regarding the “out-of-the blue” need to move a ground level car park from the North to a multi-storey one on the South side of the studio’s extension, Shepperton Studios Ltd, (SSL) has submitted yet another unexpected application to provide for a construction site holding compound on the Laleham side of the existing proposed south-side extension area but separated from it: another encroachment into the green belt. (See SBC Plan-ning Ref 22/00098). It’s usage and size are not detailed but shows an initial area almost equiva-lent to the ex-nurseries land, and according to SSL may be subject to variation, and will result in a total of three construction entrances from Shepperton Road. Because of the type of application, it will be decided by a planning officer and not be able to be referred to a full planning committee. The residents’ associations are disappointed at these drip-feed applications coming forward having not been included in the original outline planning application in 2018 and are endeavor-ing to liaise with SSL and their contractors to mitigate the serious effects these will have on local traffic etc and to ensure subsequent restoration of the compound to agricultural green belt. In addition to the studios, we are now beginning to witness the beginning of the Esso pipeline project – starting with some vegetation clearance just near to Chertsey Bridge Road. More on this development in future updates. 

So, a number of issues to keep your committee usefully occupied but – In the meantime, we all need to keep busy and do keep shopping – NOT all online – but face -to face – socially, as well. Go – Meet your friends and neighbours – and Shopkeepers – in your High Street!