Shepperton Patient Medical Practise Participation Group

We need to hear from a wider range of people. Can you help? 

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) aims to contribute to ‘service design’ at Shepperton Medical Practice and to collate patients’ expe-rience of how that service is delivered. We haven’t had much chance to be involved in design in 2021 as staff have been under such pressure, as we all know. The pandemic is still with us, of course – but we are looking forward in the belief that things will get better. They won’t go back to how they were – we can’t magically find enough doctors etc. – but we can suggest how our needs could be better met. The PPG committee isn’t representative of the range of patients at the practice, howev-er. To balance our ‘mature’ committee membership, we would be very pleased to hear from you if: 

* you are a parent of young children; * you are a teenager or young adult; * you have a disability; * you have a long term physical or men-tal health condition; * English is not your first language or you come from a very different culture; * you are in a PTA, parent and toddler group or support group etc. 

The committee will meet about four times a year, perhaps you would consid-er joining us? Important work is done between meetings. One of our current tasks is developing a website (funded from the generosity of local councillors). Is this something you would like to be involved in? 

Could we visit your group (subject to Covid restrictions of course) to talk, and more im-portantly listen to you about what would help most? Could your group collect their ideas and comments and pass them to us? If you are not in a group, we still want to hear from you of course. 

Do join us at our Annual General Meeting (we’ll strive to avoid it being boring!) on Thursday 3rd March at 2pm (venue to be ar-ranged). I will send you the papers if you would like, just contact me. 

Neal Adolphus, chair,