It’s that time of year again, when the season’s change to give nature a chance to re-cover its strength, renew re-serves, and get ready for the dawn of a new season in a couple of months.
The picture shows the pond just after the rains resulting in a minor flood around the site. Part of one footpath was un-der water for a few days. Fortunately, the wildlife has understood the weather and abandoned the pond for safer parts. During 2020 we were pleased to record a family of Coots nesting amongst the reeds, many Moor-hens visiting on a daily basis, Mallard Ducks in residence and our regular Herons dropped by looking for lunch. Buzzards and Red Kites have been seen flying overhead on many occasions. Kingfishers have visited us taking plenty of fish from the pond. As soon as we spot them darting across the water out come the binoculars for a closer look at these wonderful birds. For them, we have provid-ed a perfect nesting box with all mod cons although. so far, the birds have been rather shy in checking the dormitories. Our new box remains waiting its first guests. Maybe this summer?
Mammals, regularly seen are rabbits (permanent residents!) and foxes. Occasion-ally squirrels find us.
As many of our readers will know, we have planted an orchard of quality fruits including Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Grab Apples, Damson, Gages. Our total stock of trees now numbers 26 with more to come this year. Last summer the Apple crop was excellent so we were pleased to donate many fruits to the Food Bank at Sunbury. Much appreciation was the feedback from the organisers.
During the winter the volunteers will be prun-ing the trees to encourage future growth, then checking the trees for diseases and where nec-essary taking action to help the trees produce plenty of fruit next summer.
After 25 years from the start of digging out the ground for a new pond, the volunteers now consider the site as a mature feature of Laleham village. Regrettably, we were not able to hold our annual open day last year due to the pandemic crisis. Perhaps, we can hope that progress will have been made in defeat-ing the virus, so that come June we can invite local residents to come along and enjoy this lovely site. The volunteers have expended a lot of time and effort to bring the pond to its current maturity so it is time to renew some of our worn-out tools. Here I would thank Lale-ham’s local county councillor, Richard Walsh, for his generosity in providing a grant to enable us to buy some new hand tools.
If you would like to know more about the pond, and help maintain it, then contact me by telephone on 01932 541593 or email We meet on a Tuesday morning for a couple of hours of fun.