Spelthorne Dementia Support / Purple Angels and Cameo are facing a huge challenge with the pandemic. So many new members are needing vital support with the various issues that the virus is causing .The importance of isolating and distancing is very difficult to explain to their loved ones who are living with dementia. Helpline emergency numbers for connecting to support and advice lines are so urgently needed in many regular occurring situations. Try the following for support if needed: Spelthorne Locality Team in Adult Social Care 01932 795292 Surrey County Council 0300 200 1005 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Out of Hours & Emergency Duty Team on 01483 517898. We are all missing this years cancelled out-ings and the Open Mind Memory Cafe as well as the interaction of meeting their club friends. Sadly we are all missing the clubs and it was a disappointed to have to cancel the (WRAD )World Rocks against dementia concert which was planned at the beginning of the lock down. It is in the diary for March 2021, so fingers crossed. A surprise cheer up treat was arranged with Louise and staff from the Runneymede Hotel where our members were delivered beautiful fresh cream teas. The Greeno postal quiz had a few happy members locally find prizes left on their door steps. The 12th weeks successful mini concert of an hours variety of entertainment was emailed out to 100 members and friends. It has been a great hit for many. Personal MP3 players have also been sent out to help combat boredom. Purple Angels Ambassadors volunteers make weekly phone calls for catch up chats and to make sure that all is well. These calls are en-joyed by everyone. Some of us have become part of the personal bubble for the home alone members. More local people are needed to volunteer to become a buddy please call for details 07895 787579 The wonderful Rotary along with The Silver Team donated a number of Beat the Boredom Bags to some of our members. We thank them for their kindness and generosity. These were welcomed with open arms, so we went from there and purchased more to give out so all our members received them. These have, we are told, inspired members to bring out their artistic talents. not realising they could find so much enjoyment. Purple Angels are eager to get back to normal.