Distribution is by hand, door to door at the start of every month!

Total readership is estimated at 31,000 readers!
Sunbury and Shepperton Matters reach over 15,000 homes every month
(based on industry average 2.2 readers per copy)
Magazines are also available in local libraries, Doctors and Dentist waiting areas, local pubs, cafes, shops and newsagents.
The Matters magazines represent incredible value for money. We maintain our rates at an affordable level so that advertising is affordable by even the smallest company.
Rates as from October 2024
Prices are exclusive of VAT.
Other opportunities include advertorial features and restaurant reviews. Please call for details. Guaranteed positions (first half, right hand, facing editorial) + 10% premium
Artwork can be accepted in JPEG or PDF. Photos must be high resolution (300dpi). We can help create artwork for a small charge, on request.
We offer a design service for a flat fee of £50 plus VAT. Please call for details.
Full Page: 200mm x 138mm/
210mm x 148mm with bleed
Half page (landscape): 93mm x 138mm
Quarter Page: 93mm x 67mm
Half page (landscape): 93mm x 138mm
Quarter Page: 93mm x 67mm
Final copy should be submitted by the 17th of each month, for inclusion in the following months edition.
Advertising copy can be e-mailed to: monica@villagematters.co.uk
Advertising copy can be e-mailed to: monica@villagematters.co.uk
On receipt of invoice
Payment can be made by:
BACS or Standing order preferred
Cheques are not accepted
Late payment surcharges of 10% may be added for any invoices, outstanding by one calendar month after the due date.
Payment can be made by:
BACS or Standing order preferred
Cheques are not accepted
Late payment surcharges of 10% may be added for any invoices, outstanding by one calendar month after the due date.
“The magazines have made all the difference to my business. I have had to take on extra help as a direct result of the response”