Issue 33
Sunbury Matters this month has a couple of family stories including a look at the three generations of the Child’s family who have been running hair salons in the village.
Sunbury Matters is a free monthly community magazine, launched in November 2011. The magazine is distributed to the Sunbury-on-Thames area every month but every issue is also available to read online right here.
Sunbury Matters this month has a couple of family stories including a look at the three generations of the Child’s family who have been running hair salons in the village.
History – Sunbury Cross c 1969 The Story behind the Sunbury Embroidery Sunbury wins Great River Race A Year Without Supermarkets Off to Get my Hair Done – Visit to Studio 2000
Sunbury Regatta – c 1950 Sunbury Regatta goes off with a Bang LOSRA says – Why Sunbury is so Special to Alan Doyle What Cost Fresh Air? Dealing with Depression
The Opening of Walton Bridge Memories with Fred Mansell Against All Odds Carnation Pink…and Orange – Meeting Sylvia Homewood Church is a Messy Business! Local Museums of Interest When Green is not Green
In Sunbury Matters this month we have a stunning photo from 1930 of the village from the air. See the changes in the high street and some of the old houses, now long gone. Also a preview of the Sunbury and Shepperton Art Festival.
The islands of Sunbury Colin Squire – Diamond Jubilee of King of Horticulture Days out for the Family – by Jade Chiddington Water for London Spelthorne is Blooming Music Nights in Sunbury Ironing out Wrinkles the Natural Way
Walton Bridge through History Networking for Lower Sunbury Small Businesses An Angel for our Times – David Light exhibits at the Walled Garden Buddy Brilliant – a review of Buddy Whittington in Concent in Sunbury Weird but Wonderful – an introduction to Kineseology Second Income? New Career? – some ideas for small businesses Kempton Goes
This month’s Sunbury Matters magazine cover features a bright exotic sun. We wanted to share some sunshine with you, so the original piece of art is available in a blind auction to support local Sunbury charity Their Future Today. All you need to do is bid. Check out the issue for all details.
The Battle of Sunbury New York, Paris…Sunbury “No Rules” for Sunbury Artist Sally Friend The Nitty Gritty of Watersplash Recipe of the Month – Pasta with Kale and Sundried tomatoes LOSRA – the Voice of Lower Sunbury Helping Sophie Ryan
In this issue… The Early Bird – A trip with Quality Fruit to see where it comes from Turning Back the Years – We experience what the celebrity world of skin care is getting so excited about. A trip to Orchard Meadows, Sunbury Sunbury Court Island Uncovered The Giant Screw – Beware another assault on
The Changing Face of Sunbury My Rosemary Conley Experience – Losing weight for January Controlling Worry Restaurant review – the Flower Pot, Lower Sunbury Beat the January Blues Recipe of the Month – Marmalade and Chocolate Shortbread Engendering Community Spirit
The December issue is full of local stories. We take a look at what the shops along Thames Street used to be like. We also have a look at how the long gone Sunbury House looked in the 18th century.
In this issue we have coffee with the Mayor of Spelthorne, accompanied by keyboards, take a tour of the local islands while reviewing a book by Miranda Vickers and are entertained by a Wurlitzer…yes, in Sunbury!
I was lucky to experience the right side of human-kind recently. I lost my phone in Sunbury Park in a random ‘throwing stick, phone jumped out of pocket’ moment. My dogs were delighted I would go to such extremes to entertain them. My phone stayed in the grass, unseen by me. When I finally realised
The front cover this month reflects lazy days by the river and is by long term local resident Alex Aird. To me, it really evokes summer and at long last it did arrive!
This August it is the Spelthorne River Day, and the Sunbury Regatta – or so we hope! It seems that everything is now dependent on the weather: Henley, Classic Boat Show, various local regattas etc. To make us feel just a little bit better, we publish a couple of local photographs from the floods of old. That puts our current woes into perspective at least!
This issue celebrates several of Sunbury’s residents and looks at the river. It is the annual swan upping in July and if you have not seen it I urge you to go and take a look at the truly English tradition with all the spectacle that it offers.
Congratulations to those of you who were involved in the Diamond Jubilee (lunch with the Queen no less!), the Pageant and who are about to be involved in the Olympics. Do take a look at stories of river and torch bearing.
In this issue we look back to how the Queen has touched the residents of Sunbury, including the lovely poem written by Lynette Salmon on the occasion of HM visiting the millennium embroidery.
The clocks have gone forward, the buds are on the trees, the sun has been shining and I for one am excited about the months of opportunity ahead and all that brings with it! It is during the cold, wet winter months when I see people out pounding the streets in preparation for the London
Happy First Birthday to Sunbury Matters! I can’t believe that it is already a year since I produced the first issue. I feel it is fair to say that it is well and truly a part of the Lower Sunbury community and I continue to get lots of positive comments from both readers and advertisers.