Village Matters

Sunbury Matters

Humanitarian Crisis “like no other” unfolding in Sri Lanka 

A significantly underreported, rapidly deepening, nationwide humanitarian crisis, has hit the island nation of Sri Lanka, leaving 5.7 million people, approximately one quarter of the population, in ur-gent need of assistance, according to current UN reports. Referring to his recent work in Yemen, Somalia and South Sudan, UNICEF spokesperson, Bismarck Swagin, told ABC News that

Humanitarian Crisis “like no other” unfolding in Sri Lanka  Read More »

LoSRA Says 

What the Inspector will consider  Following last month’s Local Plan consultation announcement in this column, we now approach the next phase: the Examination in Public.  At the Examination, an independent inspector will review the policies and proposed site allocations in the plan to consider whether they are ‘sound’, which means they have to meet the

LoSRA Says  Read More »

 Churchill invites local people to join a Macmillan Coffee Morning 

For a taste of what the retirement living lifestyle is all about, why not attend one of Churchill Retirement Living’s Macmillan Coffee Morning events taking place this September at its devel-opments across Sunbury and Shepperton? The events, which are part of the charity’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning campaign, take place from 10.30am to 12 noon

 Churchill invites local people to join a Macmillan Coffee Morning  Read More »

 Strawberry Hill House, Gardens and Flower Show 

Strawberry Hill House and garden has been open to visitors for over 250 years. If you have not yet discovered it, I urge you to go. Created by renowned writer Horace Walpole (1717-1797), Straw-berry Hill is internationally famous as Britain’s finest example of domestic Georgian Gothic revival architecture. Strawberry Hill’s 18th-century garden is one of

 Strawberry Hill House, Gardens and Flower Show  Read More »

Sunbury Group Practice strives to improve the patient experience 

Sunbury Group Practice (SGP) takes a positive step forward towards improving patients’ experi-ence by increasing the number of face-to-face appointments. The NHS has relaxed infection control and social distancing regulations within its working environments and this has enabled the Practice to increase the number of patients that can be accommodated on Sunbury Health Centre premises

Sunbury Group Practice strives to improve the patient experience  Read More »