I am a sole trader who has been professionally cleaning Industry for 26 years. I specialise in Carpets, Upholstery, Curtains and all types of hard floor surfaces.
I am a sole trader who has been professionally cleaning Industry for 26 years. I specialise in Carpets, Upholstery, Curtains and all types of hard floor surfaces.
Inside Out run by Joanna Ball helps people know how to look and feel their best. Knowing which colour tones best suit your natural hair, skin and eye colour and which shapes and cuts of clothes flatter your figure makes shopping easier and saves time and money.
From our own factory in Wisbech we create handmade in-frame kitchens and with our European handle-less contemporary ranges, we offer an expert design service, supply and installation of fitted kitchens.
Kitchens Upon Thames Read More »
Aldridge and Sons Roofing are a family run business with over 30 years experience in the roofing industry. Our team are highly skilled, reliable and honest.
Aldridge and Sons Roofing Read More »
Out door fitness, full body workout, which includes cardio training, core strengthening, obstacle courses, short distance running etc, we use light weights and resistance bands. Good fun with great results.
Adventure Boot Camp Read More »
Elegance, good cooking, fine wines, warm service, fair pricing and an ambience which is understated yet refined, is what puts the zest in Indian Zest.
One of the newest activities around is Nordic walking Whether you about to embark on a winter skiing trip or seeking to improve your overall health and fitness Nordic Walking may be the answer.
Bespoke homemade cakes with best quality ingredients are our hallmark. As a perfect compliment to a special or unique occasion, nothing is left to chance.
Timeless IT an IT support company based in Ashford, Middlesex. We can support single home users to large multi-site corporations anywhere in London down to the South Coast.
I was lucky to be invited recently to hear the Rotary Prestige lecture by Mike Brace, the blind paralympian. It was very thought provoking indeed. We may talk about a blind person, or an amputee, or someone in a wheelchair, as “disabled”. But is this not the wrong label?
It’s Ability that counts! Read More »
The answer, it would seem, is when it suits some planners to push through a development! Planning has already been APPROVED to cite a huge floodlit sports hub comprising an Athletics Stadium and four football pitches next to the Xcel Leisure Centre.
When is a conservation area not a conservation area? Read More »
At the turn of the last century, Sunbury was a weekend and holiday destination. The river was bordered by many little cottages and the beauty of the river and peace of the village offered sanctuary from the bustle of London.
The Luvvies of Wheatley’s Ait Read More »
This August it is the Spelthorne River Day, and the Sunbury Regatta – or so we hope! It seems that everything is now dependent on the weather: Henley, Classic Boat Show, various local regattas etc. To make us feel just a little bit better, we publish a couple of local photographs from the floods of old. That puts our current woes into perspective at least!
How many of us though have attended the annual ceremony known as Swan Upping? I attended for the first time last year and it really is English tradition in all its colour and ceremony.
Time To Count The Swans Read More »
This month will see the Olympic Games open in London for the third time in history, there is a local connection with the man who was responsible for the Games being held in London for the first time, in 1908.
Lord Desborough And The 1908 London Olympics Read More »
This issue celebrates several of Sunbury’s residents and looks at the river. It is the annual swan upping in July and if you have not seen it I urge you to go and take a look at the truly English tradition with all the spectacle that it offers.
Congratulations to those of you who were involved in the Diamond Jubilee (lunch with the Queen no less!), the Pageant and who are about to be involved in the Olympics. Do take a look at stories of river and torch bearing.
In this issue we look back to how the Queen has touched the residents of Sunbury, including the lovely poem written by Lynette Salmon on the occasion of HM visiting the millennium embroidery.
The clocks have gone forward, the buds are on the trees, the sun has been shining and I for one am excited about the months of opportunity ahead and all that brings with it! It is during the cold, wet winter months when I see people out pounding the streets in preparation for the London
Happy First Birthday to Sunbury Matters! I can’t believe that it is already a year since I produced the first issue. I feel it is fair to say that it is well and truly a part of the Lower Sunbury community and I continue to get lots of positive comments from both readers and advertisers.