Issue 24
History – Russell Road in 1928 Something for the Ladies – Shepperton Ladies Club Some things in Life are Free – Don’t be Phubbed! Coping with Debt RIP Common Sense A Year Without Supermarkets
Shepperton Matters is a free monthly community magazine, launched in November 2011. The magazine is distributed to the Shepperton area every month but every issue is also available to read online right here.
History – Russell Road in 1928 Something for the Ladies – Shepperton Ladies Club Some things in Life are Free – Don’t be Phubbed! Coping with Debt RIP Common Sense A Year Without Supermarkets
The Opening of Walton Bridge Wellbeing Centre at The Greeno Avoiding the Empty Nest Feeling Bringing back ‘Making Do’ First Rails back to Hampton Local Museums of Interest
In Shepperton Matters this month we have an amazing photo of the High Street from 1928. It is almost unrecognisable. So many fields and trees and no buildings on one side. We also take a trip to Studio 2000, a hair dresser with a difference. Fancy a tiger’s face on the back of your head?!
The Islands of Shepperton Water for London – a visit to the Kempton Steam Museum and Hanworth loop A Diamond Jubilee for local Royalty of Horticulture Spelthorne is Blooming Messing about on the River – 25 years of the Raft Race Restaurant Review – the Shahin, Lower Sunbury
Walton Bridge through History Carnation Pink….Homewood Nursery Second Income? New Career? – some ideas for small businesses Kempton Goes Loco for Steam
This month’s Shepperton Matters magazine cover features a bright exotic sun. We wanted to share some sunshine with you, so the original piece of art is available in a blind auction to support local Sunbury charity Their Future Today. All you need to do is bid. Check out the issue for all details.
The Shepperton Train Crash Desborough Sailing Club Red Noses at Fresh Fitness Watersplash – the Nitty Gritty A “Quality” Award Shepperton Covered (in Art)
In this issue… Famous People of Shepperton Shepperton Landmarks in Art Restaurant Review – The Shahin, Lower Sunbury Recipe of the Month – Pancakes Making a Hash of your Life MWBRS – Want to drive a steam train? Love in the 21st Century
The Changing Face of Shepperton Portrait of an Artist – Wendy Clouse Keeping Warm this Winter Restaurant Review – The Flower Pot, Lower Sunbury Let the Family sort it – Newboulds Lettings, Shepperton shows how it is done the family way! New Years Resolutions Facing Fresh Challenges – The Kilimanjaro Trek 2012
History; Retail Therapy of Olde Growing for Gold Shepperton Glamour The Season of Goodwill Street Cool Shepperton
In this months issue we have coffee with Mayor Robin Sider, accompanied by keyboards, visit The Greeno Centre and see intriguing slate chip sculpture by Shepperton artist Stephen Kettle. As usual the issue is full of local trades advertising their business, and events in the community.
Well, I have had some interesting experiences this past month. You can read about my visit to see where Quality Fruit gets their lovely produce from…it was VERY early! Also newly inspired by the Olympics and Paralympics, I accepted the invite to go and see what Adventure Boot Camp is all about. Great fun, I
I have had a lot of comments and questions since I launched Shepperton Matters, so I thought it was time to tell you a bit more about the business. Do have a look at the article within.
My lead story in last months issue, urging you to go and experience the colour of Swan Upping in Shepperton…only to find that it was cancelled due to the flood level! It is the first time this has happened in 900 years apparently. This August it is the Spelthorne River Day, and the Sunbury Regatta
So the Royal celebrations and the Shepperton Fair are over. I hope you enjoyed them. The raft race was the usual marvel of home made craft and costume. Perhaps not quite up to the level of the Pageant in London, but well done to all!
There is lots going on this month! Make sure that you take advantage of the few days off at the start of the month and take in the Jubilee celebrations and flower festivals for Spelthorne in Bloom. In this issue we look back to memories of the Queen and a touch of nostalgia thinking of how you celebrated with street parties.
In this issue Flower Power – Company profile of Ashford Kitchens & Interiors Local Archeology Shepperton Gets Crafty A Day out – Vicarage Farm Help! It’s Exam time Going Solar – Should you? Making the Ordinary, Extraordinary Well Being on Thames
Happy Easter Holiday when it comes. This is a glorious time of the year. I love walking around my little garden at bulbs coming out and new leaves on the trees. As the clocks go forward it gives me a boost to feel that we now have everything to look forward to. Is it my imagination or is everyone, myself included, in a better mood?
Last month we bemoaned the prospect of gravel extraction. This month we urge you to voice your concerns over the proposed Eco Park! With the council meeting on March 9th, last minute objections will be considered up to this date. If you can get to the meeting in Kingston County Hall at 10.30 on that day, then even better.
Do you remember this time last year? We were in the middle of the coldest winters for decades, which is difficult to believe after the mild spell which is seeing daffodils bloom early! Take a look at our history page though, reminiscing about a cold so fierce in Shepperton that people walked across the Thames. It was only 50 years ago!
Wow! Where did that year go? All of a sudden the London Olympics are around the corner, and with many mince pies to work off, perhaps we are looking to new year resolutions to get fit and healthy. How many of us are wishing we had resisted that one extra helping of Christmas pub and are now trying to motivate ourselves to do something about it.