Shepperton Matters
News from Shepperton Library
There is still time to finish our ‘Cultural Passport’. This is where the children complete challenges, for example going to a museum or drawing their own library card! If they complete 10 challenges, they can enter into a prize draw! This will run until 29 Octo-ber. We have free drop in weekly Rhymetime sessions every
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Memories of Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
By Nick Pollard The passing of Her Majesty Queen Eliza-beth, so soon after celebrating her Platinum Jubilee, was a shock to us all. As I write this the State funeral is about to take place, and her final journey to Windsor will take her through Spelthorne, along the A30 through Ashford and Staines. Of course,
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Introducing a Theatrical Gem
The Mary Wallace Theatre, Twickenham By Monica Jones One of the highlights of my summer was attending outdoor cultural events in the area. We are so blessed with a great choice of outdoor concerts, comedy and theatre. I spent a special evening at the Fountain Gardens opposite Eel Pie Island in Twickenham enjoying a fantastic
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Surplus to Supper needs YOU!
…And you might need Surplus to Supper…. By Monica Jones With the cost of living escalating and many struggling to make ends meet, the Surplus to Supper weekend shop will be a life saver. Open to anyone, you can get a couple of bags of shopping and make a suggested donation of around £10 for
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Charity donations that cost you nothing!
I don’t need to tell you that money is tight for many of us these days. Charitable donations may be just one step too far in your monthly budgeting.But what if you could make donations without it costing you a penny? Easyfundraising is an app which will enable you to do just that! Once you
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Mental Health of Children – What Can We Do?
Rory Edwards is a local parent, teacher of 29 years and a school governor. He offers us an insight into certain dilemmas parents might face throughout the school year. A recent report* I saw said that 1 in 6 children in 2021 had mental health issues. This is a 50% increase from the 1 in
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By Bill Cunningham In life we have to trust something and someone. But who and how and when and what is the challenge, with so much scamming around our ears.We all welcome genuine help with our scarce resources to pay for the cost of just staying safe and well and fed and warm, in the
World Menopause Day; Let’s get talking!
By Monica Jones More than ever, we are talking about the men-opause. For too long, it was one of those TABOO subjects, skirted around, referred to as “the change” in whispered voices. October 18th is World Menopause Day. I bet most of us didn’t know that. I certainly didn’t, until I started researching this piece.We
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Sporting Success at Springfield!
Springfield Primary School has achieved the Sainsbury Platinum Award, following on from the success of achieving the Gold Mark for the previous five years. The school also retained 3 Star Active Surrey status for sports provision for pupils in Key Stage 1. These achievements recognise how the school has progressed as a centre of excellence
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Notes from the Riverside
I write this on the day of the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll, having just returned from Runnymede seeing her on her last journey. Viewing her statue in the Pleasure Grounds there, the sight of the ‘Gloriana’ Royal Barge and the meads of Runnymede, with their Magna Carta and Kennedy Memorials, made me
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Laughing Stock; Music festival raises funds for dignity in dying
By Monica Jones If you were in Shepperton one Saturday in late August, you might well have heard funky music. You might also have seen some of the locals swap usual day wear for flower bands, gaudy dresses and snazzy trousers. And you might have wondered what on earth was go-ing on! Those in the
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Sunbury & Shepperton Beat
By Inspector Maxine Cilia, Spelthorne Borough Commander I write this on one of the saddest days, after the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. A very poignant mo-ment in history, marking the end of the life of a remarkable wom-an who influenced and touched the hearts of so many. May Her Majesty
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Gardening Matters
The season of mists…… By Rachael Leverton ..and mellow fruitfulness, states the first line of the famous Keats poem. There is something rather lovely about autumn. The days are cooler but often sunny, yet the ground is more moist and so easier to dig. It’s the perfect time of year for gardening. It’s tempting to
Organisers celebrate a colourful ShepFest
By Ben Horler August bank holiday Sunday saw the return of the Shepperton Cricket Club annual six-a-side ‘ShepFest’. This year saw a players draft introduced for the first time to ensure that all eight teams had an equal chance of picking up the prestigious trophy. The weather on the day made for a carnival atmosphere
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Shepperton Residents Association
By Carl Phillips, Chair It was a very sad day on Thursday 8th September when we all heard of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. A bit of a shock too. It seemed she would go on forever. We will miss her. Now, we must support Charles, King Charles III, he has an unenviable task
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Restaurant Review
The Ivory Tusk, Shepperton As life has returned to normal and people are venturing out again, instead of just getting deliveries and take aways, we visited The Ivory Tusk on the high street of Shepperton to see what’s new. One major change – Musa is back at front of house. After much searching he has
History and Survival – The Story of the Cecil Hepworth Theatre
Based on a piece by Helen Mills which appeared in Community Life Magazines.With the additional information from Molesey Musical Theatre. Across Walton bridge, we have another thea-tre, waiting to welcome you and which needs our support; The Cecil Hepworth theatre. In the 1920s Cecil Hepworth, one of the world’s first film makers, ran his studios
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Farewell to The Bull?
By Nick Pollard As I write this the Bull pub, Shepperton Green, lies shuttered and forlorn. It seems that it had come to the end of its lease and this wasn’t renewed. I do hope this is not the end for yet another of Shepperton’s historic pubs, but at the moment it doesn’t look good.
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