Village Matters

Shepperton Matters

Cllr John Boughtflower sets Agenda for Spelthorne

Spelthorne Borough Council has been a staunch Conserva-tive authority for far more many decades than I care to remember. When I was selected as the new leader of the twenty-three Conservative Councillors elected in May 2015, I was confident we would remain the ruling polit-ical party. However, that was not to be and Con-servatives now

Cllr John Boughtflower sets Agenda for Spelthorne Read More »

Spelthorne Council Loses Tory Majority

By Monica Chard You will surely have heard the news already: Six of Spelthorne Council’s Councillors quit the Conservative Party following their AGM in June. For the first time in Spelthorne’s history, the Conservatives no longer have majority control of Spelthorne Council. The Conservative Group now have only 17 councillors and the other Groups collectively

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