Village Matters

Molesey Matters

Issue 22

In this month’s issue we hear about the Hampton Court Bridges from Molesey Matters reader John Taylor, learn about Capability Brown’s exploits in the area, and delve into the history of the House of Compassion in Thames Ditton.

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Molesey Art Society

For nearly sixty years the Molesey Art Society has been the focus for artistic endeavour in the local area – indeed, they celebrate their diamond jubilee in 2019. The Society recently held their annual spring exhibition at St Alban’s Primary School in Beaulieu Road – an opportunity for visitors to see the work of many local artists.

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Issue 20

We have an update from the Molesey Art Society following their Spring Fair and as the Carnival edges closer we learn of all the plans. The Molesey Bake Off, supported by the Miss Polly Café on Walton Road sounds fantastic.

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The Last Thames Frost Fair

February 1814: King George III was on the throne, Tory Lord Liverpool was Prime Minister and the Napoleonic Wars would soon be over. It was also the third coldest winter since 1659, when the Central England Temperature (CET) records began. After weeks of bitter chill, blankets of fog and drifting snow, Londoners awoke on 1 February to find that the River Thames had ground to an icy halt.

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Aliens in Elmbridge

Acclaimed as a scientific and social prophet, Herbert George Wells was a prolific novelist famous primarily for science fiction but also for comic realism. After a brief apprenticeship to a draper, Wells became a student-teacher, eventually winning a scholarship to the Normal School of Science (later Imperial College) where his studies under the great zoologist T H Huxley inspired his science fiction writing.

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Issue 16

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic break, and are ready for all that another year entails. The Winter Wander and Magical Molesey were brilliant successes, and a massive congratulations to all that were involved. What a great place to live.

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