Village Matters

Lest we forget – November 12th 

The cold, wet weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of all those who turned out to mark Remembrance Day in Sunbury on a slightly soggy November morning. 

Everyone played their part magnificently, and the organisers would like to thank all those who helped in whatever capacity, and all those who paraded, played, sang, and otherwise sup-ported this most important tradition. 

The uniformed groups, the marshals, the wreath layers, the marching band from 862 Sunbury Squadron and their bugler, the clergy and choir of St Mary’s Church, the standard bearers and committee of the Sunbury Royal British Legion Branch, Max (the sound guy), St Paul’s Catholic College, and The Ro-tary Club of Shepperton & Sunbury, all volunteered their time and know-how to ensure this dearly-held annual act of remem-brance could be the best that it could be. 

The organisers would also like to thank those who answered the call for extra help this year – without them, such an event would not be possible, and we are always on the lookout for new people to join the organising committee. As our Sunbury memo-rial says of the fallen, “Let those who come after see to it that their names be not forgotten”. Please do get in touch if you feel you would like to help keep their memory alive. 

Thank you. 

To get in contact, please email or call 01932 785836.