Village Matters

From your Mayor

The Mayoress Barbara and I, wish to thank the many residents we have met during our year as Deputy Mayor last year and as Mayor this year, for the friendliness and goodwill extended to us. Our tenure comes to an end in May, at the Annual General meeting of Spelthorne Council. It has been a great honour to serve as mayor and Mayoress, but we would have embraced the chance to spend more time with residents and support those charities that are so important to the wellbeing of our community. 

We wish you all good health and a free and happy future when it’s possible. 

We, like you all have been locked down for the most part, so of course this has badly affected fund raising for the Mayors charities. 

A resident in Shepperton, Michelle, has kindly offered to undertake to run a Marathon through the Borough on May 1st, and will donate any funds raised to the Mayors Charity. This is indeed a very kind and generous offer, and I ask you to support her effort and donate as follows: or. Send to, the Mayor’s secretary, Council office, Knowle Green, Staines upon Thames. Middx. TW18 1XB.