Village Matters

Capture Spelthorne Competition 2021

From Spelthorne Borough Council 

Capture Spelthorne, Spelthorne Borough Council’s photography competition, is start-ing in March, we are looking for the best pho-tographs of the Borough. 

This is a great opportunity for you to embrace the outdoors, explore our beautiful Borough and showcase your photography skills. The overall winner will see their photo as the cov-er of the Council’s Bulletin Magazine and across our social media pages. 

You don’t need an expensive camera to take part, any camera or smartphone will do, as long as the photograph was taken in Spelthorne since 1st May 2020 and is submit-ted by the closing date. 

The opening date for the competition entries is 1st March and the closing date for entries is 31st August 2021. 

We are looking for pictures that tell a story about Spelthorne in the following categories: 

Community in Spelthorne 

There are so many things that happen in the community that deserves to be seen whether it be from Scouting to book clubs to charity coffee mornings. This has come to the fore in the last year due to covid 19 where so many individuals, communities and organisations have done some amazing things to help and offer support in these very difficult times. 

Business in Action 

We want to see our various businesses in ac-tion, this could be images of construction sites, the High Street and shopping parades to factories, transport and beyond. This catego-ry is open to individuals but companies might also want to enter as well to show us how they do business. 

Nature in Spelthorne 

Spelthorne in the spring, summer, autumn or winter, we are keen to receive photographs that show the various landscapes of the bor-ough in any of the seasons, whether in glori-ous sunshine or a covering of snow! 

Sporting Spelthorne 

Spelthorne has a lot of sporting history rang-ing from Olympic champions from the Queen Mary sailing club to Staines Football Club. There is a vast away of sports that take place across Spelthorne including tennis, basketball, bowls, golf, netball, squash, badminton, the list goes on. We are looking for action shots from these and any other sports that take place 

Categories for Under 16’s 

Three finalists for each of the four categories and the under 16 section will be invited to a private screening of their entries at the Pin-ewood Cinema at Shepperton Studios where the winners will be announced. The overall winner will receive a trophy and £100 and see their photo as the cover for one of the editions of the councils Bulletin Magazine 

Each category winner will receive a £50 cheque, a framed picture of their winning photo and a pair of tickets to the Pinewood Cinema 

Go to for the online entry form and the terms and condi-tions