Elmbridge Partnership Fund open for applications

The Community Support Services team at Elmbridge Borough Council is pleased to announce that it is working in partnership with the Walton Charity to launch the Partnership Fund 2019 for the fourth year running. Both organisations are delighted to welcome Walsingham Care who have also agreed to contribute to the fund and are a local charity.

For the second year running, funding is being directed towards charitable and community organisations supporting isolated or potentially isolated members of the Elmbridge community, particularly, but not exclusively older people. Local organisations are invited to apply for funding that will help build and develop capacity within their organisation, support the organisation with becoming more sustainable or enable an organisation to develop an additional service.

The Partnership Fund is now open with a closing date of 12pm on 11 October 2019.

The funding partners are particularly keen to receive applications from small organisations or groups. If your organisation is thinking of applying for this funding and requires support, Central Surrey Voluntary Action are happy to help you. Please contact them directly on 01372 463587 or email: contact@csva.co.uk

Councillor Mrs Shipley, the Portfolio Holder for Social Affairs said: “The Council is committed to supporting the voluntary and community sector across the borough. If your organisation is looking for funding and supports isolated members of our community, I would encourage you to submit an application”.

The Mary Frances Trust which supports people with emotional or mental distress, received funding from the Partnership Fund last year to provide free transport to those who would otherwise be unable to attend activities in the borough. Funding for transport helped their members attend exercise classes at the Xcel Leisure Centre, and a participant told us: “I injured my knee due to coming off my bike in February and wasn’t able to leave Molesey due to mobility issues.

I was unable to get out, and didn’t see friends due to the pain I was in. The doctor advised me to start light exercise to help with my recovery, but I was unable to travel. I read about the ‘Exercise at Xcel’ project funded by Elmbridge Council and applied for the free transport, so I could start swimming again. My recovery was a lot faster and I was meeting new people whilst at the centre which improved my confidence and my social life. The project made a massive difference to my recovery and with meeting new people who could relate to the situation I was in”.

Jackie Lodge, Chief Executive at Walton Charity noted: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Elmbridge Borough Council and Walsingham Care, to enable more funds to reach local services”.

A trustee from first time partner Walsingham Care, said: “Walsingham Care is delighted to participate in the 2019 Partnership Fund. We have become increasingly concerned about the provision of support to alleviate isolation and a few years ago started supporting small groups of volunteers to address this sector. Accordingly, we are very pleased to associate with this local initiative”.

For further guidance or to download a copy of the application form and guidelines, please visit the Elmbridge Borough Council website elmbridge.gov.uk/css/voluntary-sector-funding. For applicants requiring hard copies, or information in a different format, please contact our Voluntary Sector and Engagement Manager gmckenzie@elmbridge.gov.uk