This article certainly hit the mark last month. We had many emails and comments from readers on the subject of speeding and antisocial or plain careless driving.
Firstly, on the subject of speed and signage. John Williams from Stratton Road was cursing the speed of many drivers on this populated road which has a primary school at one end.
John Turner laments the use of the Benwell Meadow Estate as a rat run from Green Street to Staines Road East. “vehicles regularly exceed 30mph on the estate especially along Pine Wood which is a straight road allowing impatient drivers to put their foot down without any consideration for the community who live on the estate”. Furthermore, signage at the one way slip road at Downside is obscured (can you spot it) or worn out. How can anyone but the most vigilant driver notice it?
A reader living on Riverside (by the Salvation Army building) complained to Surrey CC about excessive speeding, often reaching 50mph on this residential stretch. They responded after 28 days telling him to contact the police. But who pays for road signage? Surrey CC!. Speeding is on the agenda at the next Police Road Safety meeting so good news there, but who is going to pay for a camera? That again comes down to Surrey Highways who regularly complain they have no money. (sorry to have a gripe here but the lovely new footpath between the church and the Flower Pot which took 5 weeks with a gang of 6 working, surely could have been done more cheaply and money spent elsewhere!).
Another reader on Lower Hampton Road feels equally concerned about speeding traffic coming from the Hampton direction. Speed limits on this stretch should surely be 30mph or even 20 on such a narrow stretch of residential road. We saw the aftermath of a little car which had ended up smashed into the wall on this stretch. Are we waiting for a fatality before something is done to slow traffic here?
What about the East end of Manor Lane, leading into French Street? Another rat run where there have been at least two dramatic accidents in recent months. How can a car land on its roof (see above), or in someone’s front garden unless the driver is completely out of control? With many children walking on these roads surely there needs to be more speed restrictions?
Finally we come to some crazy driving which I am sure many of us have witnessed (I have myself).
The lower end of Green Street is a one-way road, which for most of the time is obeyed, however one local resident comments ” it’s alarming how many vehicles perform U-turns outside of our property and proceed to drive against opposing traffic. Although, thus far, there hasn’t been a serious accident, there has been numerous cases of road rage and irate drivers!” He goes on to say “This honestly does happen on a daily basis. Several years ago I raised the issue with the Council, stating that the road required better signage, I was visited by a representative who pretty much laughed-off my concerns. Subsequently nothing was done.
The signage is outdated. There’s actually an obsolete “one-way” sign that was originally intended for vehicles exiting the Police college.”
So, apart from all playing our part in slowing down, we need BETTER SIGNAGE to reduce speed in the village. One bit of good news. A new sign seems to have sprung up at Dyas Road off the Avenue. It states “Twenty is Plenty”. Someone is listening!